Tuition & Financial Aid

Indiana School Choice Voucher
CPCS partners with the Indiana Department of Education to offer Choice Scholarship Vouchers for qualifying students. This program has made private education an accessible choice for many CPCS families. Please see the IDOE Voucher website for detailed information, including income limits. Information will be sent to current families each spring with information including deadlines and application requirements for the upcoming school year. Questions related to the application process can be directed to our Finance Assistant Carrie Bruns.
Making Private Education Accessible
Second Life Resale Shoppe was created to raise funds for CPCS by selling donated items provided by generous people from the surrounding community. Historically, Second Life Resale Shoppe has generously donated funds back to CPCS twice a year. CPCS families will have the opportunity to opt in to receive this tuition credit. Credits not claimed by families will be added to our Tuition Assistance fund.
Second Life Credit

Tuition Assistance
Due to the generosity of other CPCS families and our broader CPCS community, we have a Tuition Assistance fund to assist families in need. CPCS assists families who have applied for the voucher and anticipate the need for additional assistance and to non-voucher-eligible families who expect to qualify for need-based assistance. All requests will be held in the strictest confidence.
Existing CPCS families can apply for this assistance through the FACTS Family Portal, Finance tab. Due to the need to upload confidential, financial information including tax forms, all families applying will need to create a new account (separate from the parent FACTS login) in order to complete this application. Once created, parents should follow the instructions on the application and submit the documentation required to the secure site.
Families new to CPCS can also apply and will need to email Carrie Bruns for more information.
FACTS uses an impartial algorithm to calculate the assistance needed for each family. The school receives a recommendation from FACTS, reviews the information submitted and makes a determination regarding the amount of assistance to be awarded.

Scrip/RaiseRight is a tuition reduction program that can be started at any time. Credit that is earned before your child’s enrollment at CPCS will be held in your family’s tuition account until they are enrolled.
For more information, view the RaiseRight Policies document.
Scrip/RaiseRight gift cards or certificates are ordered online from the order form at face value. These are for items that you would be buying anyway in your normal walk of life (groceries, fuel, clothing, restaurants, gifts, etc.) and they are “same as cash” at the retailer. Kohls allows you to pay your credit card bill with them, but they are the only department store that currently does this.
The school purchases these gift certificates at a discount (the amount of discount for each retailer is noted on the order form). The difference between what you pay and what the school pays is the profit. We split the profit: 85% of it is credited to your tuition account and the remaining 15% goes to the school to pay the expenses of running this program, along with a small amount of profit. Tuition accounts are credited 3 times per year, at which time it will show on your statement as a credit or you will receive a notice of the accumulated credit.
Scrip is now RaiseRight. Same company. New name.
Purchase e-gift cards for immediate use.
Purchase physical gift cards. Orders for physical gift cards are placed every 2 weeks – extra dates added before Christmas. Full schedule of order dates and corresponding distribution dates is available on SCRIP/RaiseRight section of CPCS website.
Make purchases at local vendors. These vendors do not offer gift cards but will reimburse a portion of purchase to your scrip account.
NEW -Shop Online tab on RaiseRight.com or the mobile app to view brands that offer online earnings. For many brands, you can earn extra by using a gift card from RaiseRight as payment.
Earned credits are distributed 3 times per year in January, May, and October.
Distributions will show up as credits on your tuition statement.
Complete the CPCS Scrip Registration Form.
Create account and complete the registration form at www.raiseright.com.
To obtain the CPCS enrollment code please send an email to Scrip@crownpointchristian.org. If you are a parent with an active FACTS account, you may view the code in the Resource Documents section.
Please email Scrip@crownpointchristian.org with any questions!
Important Information
You must complete both the CPCS Registration form and the RaiseRight Registration form.
You must provide an enrollment code. To obtain the CPCS enrollment code please send an email to Scrip@crownpointchristian.org. If you are a parent with an active FACTS account, you may view the code in the Resource Documents section.
Order dates and pick-up dates/times are linked here: January 2025 - End of School Year. Order deadlines are 8am central time on the dates listed.
Current bonus rebates and upcoming bonus discounts can be found by visiting raiseright.com and logging in. Click on ‘Shop’ and then ‘Specials’.
Don’t forget to take advantage of the tuition credits all our local vendors provide through the Scrip/RaiseRight program.
Did you know you can send e-cards through Scrip/RaiseRight? Most eGift cards have a “make this a gift” option. All you need is the name and email address of the person you would like to send it to.
Printable order form: Scrip Order Form