Student Services
We believe God created all children to learn differently.
While some excel in academics, others might be strong in social-emotional areas, while others are gifted athletically. No matter what a student’s gift is, the Crown Point Christian community believes all students can thrive when they have the support they need. The Student Services team includes teachers, counselors, a speech and language pathologist, reading specialists, and aides who all walk alongside students to provide the following services to help all students reach their God-given potential:

Special Education
Each of our levels (PK-K, 1-5, and 6-8) have a dedicated special education teacher assisting students entering with identified special education needs. Aides work alongside PreK through fifth-grade teachers allowing more opportunities for small group and individualized instruction.

There are a variety of reasons why a student may request to see the counselor or why a teacher may refer a student to see the counselor. Some of these reasons may include peer conflict, test anxiety or difficulty regulating their emotions here at school. The role of a school counselor is to provide short term counseling to address school related issues, or issues occurring outside of school that impact the student’s ability to function optimally at school. The school counselor may recommend and refer students to seek professional help outside of the school setting if the student needs counseling beyond what the school counselor is able to provide.
Enrichment Excel
Student needs can look very different; some students thrive when given a deeper challenge. Crown Point Christian’s Enrichment and Excel programs challenge identified high ability students with discussions addressing items such as how to practice healthy habits of mind like persistence, striving for accuracy, listening with empathy, taking responsible risks, and thinking about ideas at a more challenging level. The Enrichment and Excel staff include certified teachers and is offered to qualifying students in grades three through eight.

Response to Intervention (RTI) - What I Need (WIN) Aides work alongside the classroom teacher during What-I-Need, or “WIN” time. This is a time specifically scheduled for all students to get targeted instruction in reading, writing, or language arts during the school day. Students who need an extra challenge are stretched, while students who need to work on a specific skill get the focused time they need to improve.

Dual Language Support
Dual Language Our Dual Language students receive support from a Spanish-speaking staff consisting of a special education teacher and aides who ensure that all dual language students have opportunities to learn and grow, whether in small groups or one-on-one.
IEPS & 504 Plans
We work hard to provide the accommodations, modifications, support and instruction needed to enable every student to be successful. While public schools are mandated by the state to provide Individualized Education Plans for students identified with a need for Special Education and 504 Plans for students with a disability that limits a major life activity, private schools do not fall under the same legislation. However, we strive to serve diverse learners who possess a wide range of abilities. Crown Point Christian School provides Choice Special Education Plans and Accommodation Plans that serve the same purpose as IEPs and 504 plans.
Online enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year is closed. If you are moving to the area and looking for a Christian school for your child(ren), please complete an Inquiry form to express your interest in applying to the school. Our Director of Admissions, Amanda Zandstra, will reply to your inquiry and answer any questions regarding our admissions process.