The Future is Looking Bright
Partner With Our Mission
At Crown Point Christian School, our mission is to cultivate Kingdom-Focused Learners to Transform the World in the Name of Jesus Christ. Your continued support plays a key role in what God is doing here.
Click below on the Give Now tab or you may also click on one of our two current strategic priorities listed below and direct your gift. Thank you for partnering in the work that God is doing at Crown Point Christian School.

Enrollment Journey Part 1
Enrollment Journey Part 2
Thank You For Partnering with Us
CPCS Royals Athletics
Student Services Testimonial
Academic Brand Launch
CPCS Brand Launch
CPCS Brand Launch
See Our Story

Have you ever considered yourself to be a peculiar person? I never considered myself to be one until I began Year 2 of Teaching for Transformation. Now I’m happy to be considered peculiar! To be considered peculiar could be insulting, but in light of a second definition, meaning you are particular, special, distinctive, or unique, it could mean that you are a Kingdom-focused follower of Christ, equipped to be a part of God’s story.
...Continue reading by downloading the fall edition of Connections.

Planned Giving
Through Crown Point Christian School’s membership with Barnabas Foundation, you have complimentary access to trusted, biblically-based consultation and support for charitable gifts and will planning. Barnabas Foundation will help you:
Understand the giving options available to you, in a way that is clear and easy to comprehend.
Review your will to help ensure it reflects your family and charitable goals.
Give stock, real estate, commodities or other non-cash gifts while reducing your taxes.
Make gifts that provide your family with retirement income for life.
Establish a Stewards Fund (donor-advised fund) account to streamline and simplify your giving.
Learn more by contacting CPCS Finance Assistant, Carri
Bruns, at cbruns@crownpointchristian.org or by visiting www.barnabasfoundation.com.

Second Life Resale Shop
Mission: Second Life Resale Shoppe was created to raise funds for Crown Point Christian School by selling tax-deductible donations provided by generous people from the surrounding community. Through our work at Second Life Resale Shoppe, we seek to make a difference in God’s kingdom.
Store Information: Please refer to www.secondliferesale.com for the latest location, hour, donation and volunteer information.
Second Life Volunteer Guidelines for CPCS Families: Specific guidelines for volunteer hours earned at the store are maintained and enforced by the Board of Trustees of Second Life Resale Shoppe. These guidelines can be found on their website at http://www.secondliferesale.com/volunteer. Please contact information@secondliferesale.com with any questions about earning CPCS service hours at Second Life.